
Simplifying Guidelines in Cardio-Kidney-Metabolic Disease: Expert Insights from Dr Faiez Zannad

Published: 23 Jan 2025

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Although cardio-kidney-metabolic disease (CKMD) incorporates conditions which share common risk factors, guidelines are often complex and vary between specialist groups. How can we achieve simpler CKMD guidelines to improve implementation?

In this short interview, Dr Faiez Zannad (University of Lorraine, Nancy, FR) advocates for a single-set of overarching CKMD guidelines across all specialties. He discusses how the integration of guidelines is an unmet need that would help reduce safety concerns about therapeutic inertia. Finally, Dr Zannad shares his future hopes for the incorporation of liver within CKMD guidelines.

Interview Questions:
1. What are the main barriers to creating integrated guidelines for CKMD?
2. When you envision simpler guidelines, what key changes would you say are required?
3. How might integrated guidelines help address the challenge of therapeutic inertia, particularly in patients with multiple CKM conditions?
4. Are there any specific examples where current separate guidelines might give conflicting recommendations for patients with multiple conditions, and how integrated guidelines could resolve these conflicts?
5. Where do you see the future of CKMD guidelines going?

Recorded remotely from Nancy, 2025


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